Converters with options#
Most of the converters always produce the same converted model
which computes the same outputs as the original model.
However, some of them do not and the user may need to alter the
conversion by giving additional information to the converter through
functions convert_sklearn
or to_onnx
Every option ends up creating a different ONNX graph.
Below is the list of models which enable this mechanism.
GaussianProcessRegressor, NearestNeighbors#
Both models require to compure pairwise distances.
Function onnx_cdist
produces this part of the graph but there exist two options.
The first one is using Scan operator, the second one is
using a dedicated operator called CDist which is not part
of the regular ONNX operator until issue
is addressed. By default, Scan is used, CDist can be used
by giving:
options={GaussianProcessRegressor: {'optim': 'cdist'}}
Previous line enables the optimization for every model GaussianProcessRegressor but it can be done only for one model by using:
options={id(model): {'optim': 'cdist'}}
TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer#
- skl2onnx.operator_converters.text_vectoriser.convert_sklearn_text_vectorizer(scope: Scope, operator: Operator, container: ModelComponentContainer)[source]#
Converters for class TfidfVectorizer. The current implementation is a work in progress and the ONNX version does not produce the exact same results. The converter lets the user change some of its parameters.
Additional options#
- tokenexp: string
The default will change to true in version 1.6.0. The tokenizer splits into words using this regular expression or the regular expression specified by scikit-learn is the value is an empty string. See also note below. Default value: None
- separators: list of separators
These separators are used to split a string into words. Options separators is ignore if options tokenexp is not None. Default value:
[' ', '[.]', '\\?', ',', ';', ':', '\\!']
.- locale:
The locale is not mentioned in scikit-object. This option can be used to change the value for parameter locale of ONNX operator StringNormalizer.
Example (from TfIdfVectorizer with ONNX):
seps = {TfidfVectorizer: {"separators": [' ', '[.]', '\\?', ',', ';', ':', '!', '\\(', '\\)', '\n', '\\"', "'", "-", "\\[", "\\]", "@"]}} model_onnx = convert_sklearn(pipeline, "tfidf", initial_types=[("input", StringTensorType([None, 2]))], options=seps)
The default regular expression of the tokenizer is
(see re). This expression may not supported by the library handling the backend. onnxruntime uses re2. You may need to switch to a custom tokenizer based on python wrapper for re2 or its sources pyre2 (syntax). If the regular expression is not specified and if the instance of TfidfVectorizer is using the default pattern(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b
, it is replaced by[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
. Any other case has to be manually handled.Regular expression
is used to split a sentance into character (and not works) ifanalyser=='char'
. The modeanalyser=='char_wb'
is not implemented.
Converters for classifiers implement multiple options.
The operator ZipMap produces a list of dictionaries. It repeats class names or ids but that’s not necessary (see issue #2149). By default, ZipMap operator is added, it can be deactivated by using:
options={type(model): {'zipmap': False}}
It is implemented by PR 327.
Class information#
Class information is usually repeated in the ONNX operator which classifies and the output of the ZipMap operator (see issue 2149). The following option can remove string information and class ids in the ONNX operator to get smaller models.
options={type(model): {'nocl': True}}
Classes are replaced by integers from 0 to the number of classes.
Raw scores#
Almost all classifiers are converted in order to get probabilities and not raw scores. That’s the default behaviour. It can be deactivated by using option:
options={type(model): {'raw_scores': True}}
It is implemented by PR 308.
Pickability and Pipeline#
The proposed way to specify options is not always pickable.
Function id(model)
depends on the execution and map an option
to one class may be not enough to customize the conversion.
However, it is possible to specify an option the same way
parameters are referenced in a scikit-learn pipeline
with method get_params.
Following syntax are supported:
pipe = Pipeline([('pca', PCA()), ('classifier', LogisticRegression())])
options = {'classifier': {'zipmap': False}}
options = {'classifier__zipmap': False}
Options applied to one model, not a pipeline as the converter replaces the pipeline structure by a single onnx graph. Following that rule, option zipmap would not have any impact if applied to a pipeline and to the last step of the pipeline. However, because there is no ambiguity about what the conversion should be, for options zipmap and nocl, the following options would have the same effect:
pipe = Pipeline([('pca', PCA()), ('classifier', LogisticRegression())])
options = {id(pipe.steps[-1][1]): {'zipmap': False}}
options = {id(pipe): {'zipmap': False}}
options = {'classifier': {'zipmap': False}}
options = {'classifier__zipmap': False}