(l-onnx-docai-onnx-ml-FeatureVectorizer)= # ai.onnx.ml - FeatureVectorizer (l-onnx-opai-onnx-ml-featurevectorizer-1)= ## FeatureVectorizer - 1 (ai.onnx.ml) ### Version - **name**: [FeatureVectorizer (GitHub)](https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/Operators-ml.md#ai.onnx.ml.FeatureVectorizer) - **domain**: `ai.onnx.ml` - **since_version**: `1` - **function**: `False` - **support_level**: `SupportType.COMMON` - **shape inference**: `False` This version of the operator has been available **since version 1 of domain ai.onnx.ml**. ### Summary Concatenates input tensors into one continuous output.
All input shapes are 2-D and are concatenated along the second dimension. 1-D tensors are treated as [1,C]. Inputs are copied to the output maintaining the order of the input arguments.
All inputs must be integers or floats, while the output will be all floating point values. ### Attributes * **inputdimensions - INTS** : The size of each input in the input list ### Inputs Between 1 and 2147483647 inputs. - **X** (variadic, heterogeneous) - **T1**: An ordered collection of tensors, all with the same element type. ### Outputs - **Y** (heterogeneous) - **tensor(float)**: The output array, elements ordered as the inputs. ### Type Constraints * **T1** in ( `tensor(double)`, `tensor(float)`, `tensor(int32)`, `tensor(int64)` ): The input type must be a tensor of a numeric type.