(l-onnx-docai-onnx-ml-LinearClassifier)= # ai.onnx.ml - LinearClassifier (l-onnx-opai-onnx-ml-linearclassifier-1)= ## LinearClassifier - 1 (ai.onnx.ml) ### Version - **name**: [LinearClassifier (GitHub)](https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/Operators-ml.md#ai.onnx.ml.LinearClassifier) - **domain**: `ai.onnx.ml` - **since_version**: `1` - **function**: `False` - **support_level**: `SupportType.COMMON` - **shape inference**: `True` This version of the operator has been available **since version 1 of domain ai.onnx.ml**. ### Summary Linear classifier ### Attributes * **classlabels_ints - INTS** : Class labels when using integer labels. One and only one 'classlabels' attribute must be defined. * **classlabels_strings - STRINGS** : Class labels when using string labels. One and only one 'classlabels' attribute must be defined. * **coefficients - FLOATS** (required) : A collection of weights of the model(s). * **intercepts - FLOATS** : A collection of intercepts. * **multi_class - INT** (default is `'0'`): Indicates whether to do OvR or multinomial (0=OvR is the default). * **post_transform - STRING** (default is `'NONE'`): Indicates the transform to apply to the scores vector.
One of 'NONE,' 'SOFTMAX,' 'LOGISTIC,' 'SOFTMAX_ZERO,' or 'PROBIT' ### Inputs - **X** (heterogeneous) - **T1**: Data to be classified. ### Outputs - **Y** (heterogeneous) - **T2**: Classification outputs (one class per example). - **Z** (heterogeneous) - **tensor(float)**: Classification scores ([N,E] - one score for each class and example ### Type Constraints * **T1** in ( `tensor(double)`, `tensor(float)`, `tensor(int32)`, `tensor(int64)` ): The input must be a tensor of a numeric type, and of shape [N,C] or [C]. In the latter case, it will be treated as [1,C] * **T2** in ( `tensor(int64)`, `tensor(string)` ): The output will be a tensor of strings or integers.