.. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ============================= Supported scikit-learn Models ============================= *skl2onnx* currently can convert the following list of models for *skl2onnx* :skl2onnxversion:`v`. They were tested using *onnxruntime* :skl2onnxversion:`rt`. All the following classes overloads the following methods such as :class:`OnnxSklearnPipeline` does. They wrap existing *scikit-learn* classes by dynamically creating a new one which inherits from :class:`OnnxOperatorMixin` which implements *to_onnx* methods. .. _l-converter-list: Covered Converters ================== .. covered-sklearn-ops:: Converters Documentation ======================== .. supported-sklearn-ops:: Pipeline ======== .. autoclass:: skl2onnx.algebra.sklearn_ops.OnnxSklearnPipeline :members: to_onnx, to_onnx_operator, onnx_parser, onnx_shape_calculator, onnx_converter .. autoclass:: skl2onnx.algebra.sklearn_ops.OnnxSklearnColumnTransformer :members: to_onnx, to_onnx_operator, onnx_parser, onnx_shape_calculator, onnx_converter .. autoclass:: skl2onnx.algebra.sklearn_ops.OnnxSklearnFeatureUnion :members: to_onnx, to_onnx_operator, onnx_parser, onnx_shape_calculator, onnx_converter Available ONNX operators ======================== *skl2onnx* maps every ONNX operators into a class easy to insert into a graph. These operators get dynamically added and the list depends on the installed *ONNX* package. The documentation for these operators can be found on github: `ONNX Operators.md `_ and `ONNX-ML Operators `_. Associated to `onnxruntime `_, the mapping makes it easier to easily check the output of the *ONNX* operators on any data as shown in example :ref:`l-onnx-operators`. .. supported-onnx-ops::