Source code for skl2onnx
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Main entry point to the converter from the *scikit-learn* to *onnx*.
__version__ = "1.17.0"
__author__ = "Microsoft"
__producer__ = "skl2onnx"
__producer_version__ = __version__
__domain__ = "ai.onnx"
__model_version__ = 0
__max_supported_opset__ = 19 # Converters are tested up to this version.
from .convert import convert_sklearn, to_onnx, wrap_as_onnx_mixin # noqa
from ._supported_operators import update_registered_converter, get_model_alias # noqa
from ._parse import update_registered_parser # noqa
from .proto import get_latest_tested_opset_version # noqa
def supported_converters(from_sklearn=False):
Returns the list of supported converters.
To find the converter associated to a specific model,
the library gets the name of the model class,
adds ``'Sklearn'`` as a prefix and retrieves
the associated converter if available.
:param from_sklearn: every supported model is mapped to converter
by a name prefixed with ``'Sklearn'``, the prefix is removed
if this parameter is False but the function only returns converters
whose name is prefixed by ``'Sklearn'``
:return: list of supported models as string
from .common._registration import _converter_pool # noqa
# The two following lines populates the list of supported converters.
from . import shape_calculators # noqa
from . import operator_converters # noqa
names = sorted(_converter_pool.keys())
if from_sklearn:
return [_[7:] for _ in names if _.startswith("Sklearn")]
return list(names)