

Representation and Reference Lowering of ONNX Models in MLIR Compiler Infrastructure

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Import ONNX Definitions and Support Operations

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Add an Operation
  3. Customize an Operation
  4. Build
  5. Details about version


    ONNX-MLIR defines an ONNX dialect to represent operations specified by ONNX.The ONNX dialect is created with MLIR table gen tool. The definition of each operation is transferred from ONNX automatically with a python script, utils/gen_onnx_mlir.py. This script retrieves operation definition from ONNX package to generate ONNXOps.td.inc for dialect table gen and OpBuilderTable.inc for ONNX model importer in ONNX-MLIR. The following sections will describe how to use gen_onnx_mlir.py to add an operation into ONNX dialect in ONNX-MLIR and how to refine the definition of the operation.

Add an Operation

To generate an operation for ONNX dialect, add this operation into the dictionary, ‘version_dict’, in gen_onnx_mlir.py. The key of this directory is the operation name and the value is the list of opset for this operation. Usually only the top version opset of this operation (in onnx-mlir/third_party/onnx) is supported. Details about versioning can be found in version section. With this entry, the script will generate the operation definition for ONNX dialect.


Add Interface and Trait

By default, all operation has shape inference interface and Pure trait. If an operation has ResultTypeInferenceOpInterface, use dictionary OpsWithResultTypeInference. This interface infers the type of result tensor, not shape. If an operation has subgraph, it will has interface HasOnnxSubgraphOpInterface.

Add canonicalization interface

If a transformation should be applied locally to an operation across passes, canonicalization interface can be used for this transformation. To enable the canonicalization for an operation, add the name of this operation into this list of OpsWithCanonicalizer and then the operation will have hasCanonicalizer = 1; in its definition.

Customize builder

The default builders for an operation require the type of results as a parameter. However, the type of results can be inferred. A customize builder may be a useful to simplify the code. Based on the type of inference, there are two kinds builder, unranked type and broadcast type. To enable the special builder for an operation, you can add its name into custom_builder_unranked_ops_list and custom_builder_broadcast_ops_list respectively.

Please note that the need of special builder in rewriting rules can be avoided with the use of returnType. Refer to MLIR doc or the example in ONNX-MLIR. It may be a better solution to just move such type inference code into ONNXOpHelper.cpp and get rid of customize builder.

Please note that the need of special builder in rewriting rules can be avoided with the use of returnType. It may be a better solution to just move such type inference code into ONNXOpHelper.cpp and get rid of customize builder.

Customize verifier

The operation description for an operation lists out the allowed types of each input/output and attribute. The table gen will generate a default verifier to check IR for the allowed types. If an operation has extra constraints, a customized verifier should be defined to enhance error detection. For example, two inputs of an operation may require the same element type or same rank. Such information can be found in the ONNX operation definition, but can not be expressed with the dialect definition. The best way to test for these constraints are in a verifier. To add the interface of customized verifier to an operation, locate the array below in gen_onnx_mlir.py and add your operation in it.

OpsWithVerifier = ['AveragePool', 'Conv', 'InstanceNormalization', 'Mod']

Then you will find the following line in operation definition in ONNXOps.td.inc:

let verifier = [{ return ::verify(*this); }];

You will need to add the implementation code in the src/Dialect/ONNX/ONNXOps.cpp when the new op was declared as using a customized verifier. Best is to look at other operations to get the general pattern, by searching for static LogicalResult verify(ONNXInstanceNormalizationOp op), for example. Note that a verifier will execute each time that one such op is created. So you will need to ensure that it can work with tensors and MemRefs, and possibly unranked tensors. So guard each of your tests to the proper circumstances. For examples, once a tensor is ranked, you may then verify that the rank is within the approved range (if there is such a constraint); before it is ranked, do not perform this test yet.


Customize importer

special_op_handler: creates special import function in frontend_dialect_transformer.cpp. Currently, a special handler is used for operations with operational arguments

Arbitrary extra definition

If the definition of an operation needs extra code other than described above, you can put the code in the dictionary custom_definition_misc. The key is the operation name and the value is the code.

Customize importer

special_op_handler: creates special import function in frontend_dialect_transformer.cpp. Currently, a special handler is used for operations with operational arguments

Arbitrary extra definition

If the definition of an operation needs extra code other than described above, you can put the code in the dictionary custom_definition_misc. The key is the operation name and the value is the code.


In order to run gen_onnx_mlir.py, ONNX has to be installed. Refer to Readme. In your build directory, execute the following command.

 make OMONNXOpsIncTranslation

This command will generate those two files (src/Dialect/ONNX/ONNXOps.td.inc and OpBuilderTable.inc), and copy them to the right place in src directory. If you modified gen_onnx_mlir.py, you need to check in two generated files too. They are treated source file in ONNX-MLIR build so that user of ONNX-MLIR does not need to install the particular version of ONNX. Do not modify these files directly. You can also run the script directly with the files generated in utils directory. python ../utils/gen_onnx_mlir.py.

Update the documentation

When adding a new op version or making changes to the ONNX version, we would like to also reflect these changes in the ONNX documentation of our supported operations. While the latest ONNX specs are always available, the specs that we support are often a bit back, plus we support older versions under the versioned name as mentioned in the previous section.

There is a convenient command to update both the ONNX and Krnl dialect, as shown below.

make onnx-mlir-docs

The above command is run in the usual build directory and it will install the new dialect md files directly into the docs/Dialects directory.

The same command should be used when adding operations/making changes to the Krnl dialect.

Operation Version

ONNX-MLIR project started when ONNX was at version 1.7.0 and does not intended to be backward compatible. We relies on onnx/converter to convert the model to the version which ONNX-MLIR supports. As ONNX version is evolving, ONNX-MLIR tries to follow but may be behind the latest version.

Version of Operations

As stated previous, we try to support the latest version of ONNX operations. The version of each operation currently supported is recorded in utils/gen_onnx_mlir.py. This mechanism provides some stability in version. To check the changes in version, run gen_onnx_mlir.py with flag “–check-version” and the changes will be reported. To move to a newer version, manually update the version dictionary in the script.

Support Multiple versions

To support multiple versions of an op, the selected version should be added in the version dictionary in utils/gen_onnx_mlir.py. For example, there are two versions (opset), 11 and 13, forReduceSum that are supported. The corresponding entry in version_dic is 'ReduceSum': [13, 11].

In ONNX dialect, the op for the top version has no version in the op name, while other version with name followed by ‘V’ and version number. For example, ReduceSum of opset 13 will be ONNXReduceSumOp, while ReduceSum of opset 11 is ‘ONNXReduceSumV11Op`. Since most of ONNX op are compatible when upgraded to higher version, we can keep the name of the operation in the dialect and just update version_dict in gen_onnx_mlir.py without touching the code in ONNX-MLIR.

When a model is imported, the highest version which is not higher than the next available version is used. For the example of ReduceSum, if the opset is 12, ONNXReduceSumV11Op is chosen.


To migrate a new version ONNX, first the third_part/onnx should be upgraded and your installation of ONNX. Then you can run gen_onnx_mlir.py with flag --check_operation_version. The top version for all operation will be outputted as a new version_dict. If the interface of an operation remains the same (from the change document of ONNX), you can just use the new version. If the interface does change, you can insert the new version as the first in the version list. For the existing code, all the corresponding code has to be changed. For example, when ReduceSum is moved from version 11 to 13, ONNXReduceSumOp is replaced with ONNXReduceSumOpV11 first. Then the code for version 13 will use ONNXReduceSumOp. The reason for such design is that most of ONNX changes do not change the interface. We do not want to put burden on developer to remember which version of operation is used unless absolutely necessary. It is not always needed to keep the code for an older version, which may be rewritten into the new operation. Thus, we just need to have the dialect definition, but not the code for inference or lowering.