# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import inspect
import pprint
import re
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from logging import getLogger
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from onnx import SparseTensorProto, ValueInfoProto
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version, get_all_schemas_with_history
from onnx.helper import make_node, make_tensor, make_attribute, make_sparse_tensor
import onnx.onnx_cpp2py_export.defs as C
from onnxconverter_common.onnx_ops import __dict__ as dict_apply_operation
from ..proto import TensorProto
from .utils import get_domain
logger = getLogger("skl2onnx")
def _get_operation_list(use_shortlist=True):
Investigates this module to extract all ONNX functions
which needs to be converted with these functions.
# Reduce the scope of method _check_operator,
# it retrieves the stack trace and it takes a
# significant amount of time.
# This was mostly used to catch errors difficult to catch
# otherwise.
if use_shortlist:
shortlist = {"Clip", "Normalizer", "Upsample"}
shortlist = None
regs = [
re.compile("container.add_node[(]'([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)', " "\\[?input_name"),
re.compile("container.add_node[(]'([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)', " "\\[\\]"),
re.compile("container.add_node[(]'([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)', " "inputs"),
re.compile("scope, '([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)', \\[?input_name"),
re.compile("op_type = '([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)'"),
res = {}
for k, v in dict_apply_operation.items():
if k.startswith("apply_") and callable(v):
found = None
source = inspect.getsource(v)
for reg in regs:
g = reg.search(source)
if g:
found = g.groups()[0]
if found is None:
if shortlist and found not in shortlist:
res[found] = v
return res
def _build_options(model, defined_options, default_values, allowed_options, fail):
opts = {} if default_values is None else default_values
if defined_options is not None:
opts.update(defined_options.get(type(model), {}))
opts.update(defined_options.get(id(model), {}))
if allowed_options not in (None, "passthrough"):
for k, v in opts.items():
if k not in allowed_options:
if fail:
raise NameError(
"Option '{}' not in {} for class '{}'.".format(
k, list(sorted(allowed_options)), model.__class__.__name__
return None
allowed = allowed_options[k]
if allowed is not None and v not in allowed and v is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected value [{!r}] for option '{}'"
" (it must be in {}) for model '{}'.".format(
v, k, allowed, model.__class__.__name__
elif fail and len(opts) != 0 and allowed_options != "passthrough":
raise RuntimeError(
"Options {} are not registerd for model '{}'.".format(
list(sorted(opts)), model.__class__.__name__
return opts
_apply_operation_specific = _get_operation_list()
class _WhiteBlackContainer:
def __init__(self, white_op=None, black_op=None, verbose=0):
self._white_op = white_op
self._black_op = black_op
self.verbose = verbose
def is_allowed(self, node_type):
Tells if a node is white listed or not black listed.
if isinstance(node_type, (list, tuple, set)):
return all(map(self.is_allowed, node_type))
return True
except RuntimeError:
return False
def check_white_black_list(self, node_type):
Checks a node type is allowed according to white
and black lists.
if self._white_op:
if node_type not in self._white_op:
raise RuntimeError(
"Operator '{}' is not white listed.".format(node_type)
if self._black_op:
if node_type in self._black_op:
raise RuntimeError("Operator '{}' is black listed.".format(node_type))
def debug(self, *args, **kwargs):
Log debug information while converting a model.
logger.debug(*args, **kwargs)
class RawModelContainerNode(_WhiteBlackContainer):
This node is the carrier of the model we want to convert.
It provides an abstract layer so that our parsing
framework can work with models generated by different tools.
def __init__(self, raw_model, white_op=None, black_op=None, verbose=0):
:param raw_model: *scikit-learn* model to convert
self, white_op=white_op, black_op=black_op, verbose=verbose
self._raw_model = raw_model
def raw_model(self):
return self._raw_model
def input_names(self):
This function should return a list of strings. Each string
corresponds to an input variable name.
:return: a list of string
raise NotImplementedError()
def output_names(self):
This function should return a list of strings. Each string
corresponds to an output variable name.
:return: a list of string
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class SklearnModelContainerNode(RawModelContainerNode):
Main container for one *scikit-learn* model.
Every converter adds nodes to an existing container
which is converted into a *ONNX* graph by an instance of
:class:`Topology <skl2onnx.common._topology.Topology>`.
def __init__(self, sklearn_model, white_op=None, black_op=None, verbose=0):
super(SklearnModelContainerNode, self).__init__(
sklearn_model, white_op=white_op, black_op=black_op, verbose=verbose
# Scikit-learn models have no input and output specified,
# so we create them and store them in this container.
self._inputs = []
self._outputs = []
def input_names(self):
return [variable.onnx_name for variable in self._inputs]
def output_names(self):
return [variable.onnx_name for variable in self._outputs]
def add_input(self, variable):
# The order of adding variables matters. The final model's
# input names are sequentially added as this list
if variable not in self._inputs:
def add_output(self, variable):
# The order of adding variables matters. The final model's
# output names are sequentially added as this list
if variable not in self._outputs:
[docs]class ModelComponentContainer(_WhiteBlackContainer):
In the conversion phase, this class is used to collect all materials
required to build an *ONNX* *GraphProto*, which is encapsulated in a
*ONNX* *ModelProto*.
def __init__(
:param target_opset: number, for example, 7 for *ONNX 1.2*, and
8 for *ONNX 1.3*.
:param options: see :ref:`l-conv-options`
:param registered_models: registered models
:param white_op: white list of ONNX nodes allowed
while converting a pipeline, if empty, all are allowed
:param black_op: black list of ONNX nodes allowed
while converting a pipeline, if empty, none are blacklisted
:param verbose: display information while converting
self, white_op=white_op, black_op=black_op, verbose=verbose
# Inputs of ONNX graph. They are ValueInfoProto in ONNX.
self.inputs = []
# Outputs of ONNX graph. They are ValueInfoProto in ONNX.
self.outputs = []
# ONNX tensors (type: TensorProto). They are initializers of
# ONNX GraphProto.
self.initializers = []
self.initializers_strings = {}
# Intermediate variables in ONNX computational graph. They are
# ValueInfoProto in ONNX.
self.value_info = []
# ONNX nodes (type: NodeProto) used to define computation
# structure
self.nodes = []
# ONNX operators' domain-version pair set. They will be added
# into opset_import field in the final ONNX model.
self.node_domain_version_pair_sets = set()
# The targeted ONNX operator set (referred to as opset) that
# matches the ONNX version.
if isinstance(target_opset, dict):
self.target_opset_all = target_opset
self.target_opset = target_opset.get("", None)
self.target_opset = target_opset
self.target_opset_all = {"": target_opset}
# Additional options given to converters.
self.options = options
# All registered models.
self.registered_models = registered_models
def swap_names(self, old_name, new_name):
Swaps variables names.
:param old_name: old name
:param new_name: new name
:return: list of impacted objects
exc_list = {"Scan", "Loop", "If"}
for node in self.nodes:
if node.op_type not in exc_list:
if (
old_name in node.input
or old_name in node.output
or new_name in node.input
or new_name in node.output
raise NotImplementedError(
"Unable to handle subgraphs for node type %r."
"(%r, %r)" % (node.op_type, old_name, new_name)
res = []
for inp in self.inputs:
if inp.name == old_name:
inp.name = new_name
res.append(("Io", inp))
elif inp.name == new_name:
inp.name = old_name
res.append(("In", inp))
for inp in self.outputs:
if inp.name == old_name:
inp.name = new_name
res.append(("Oo", inp))
elif inp.name == new_name:
inp.name = old_name
res.append(("On", inp))
for inp in self.initializers:
if inp.name == old_name:
inp.name = new_name
res.append(("-o", inp))
elif inp.name == new_name:
inp.name = old_name
res.append(("-n", inp))
for node in self.nodes:
modified = False
new_input = []
for name in node.input:
if name == old_name:
name = new_name
modified = True
elif name == new_name:
name = old_name
modified = True
new_output = []
for name in node.output:
if name == old_name:
name = new_name
modified = True
elif name == new_name:
name = old_name
modified = True
if modified:
if node.op_type in exc_list:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Unable to handle subgraphs for node type %r." "" % node.op_type
node.input[:] = new_input[:]
node.output[:] = new_output[:]
res.append(("n-", node))
return res
def __str__(self):
Shows internal information.
rows = []
if self.inputs:
for inp in self.inputs:
rows.append(" " + str(inp).replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " "))
if self.outputs:
for out in self.outputs:
rows.append(" " + str(out).replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " "))
if self.initializers:
for ini in self.initializers:
rows.append(" " + str(ini).replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " "))
if self.value_info:
for val in self.value_info:
rows.append(" " + str(val).replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " "))
if self.nodes:
for nod in self.nodes:
rows.append(" " + str(nod).replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " "))
return "\n".join(rows)
def _make_value_info(self, variable):
value_info = ValueInfoProto()
value_info.name = variable.full_name
if variable.type.doc_string:
value_info.doc_string = variable.type.doc_string
return value_info
[docs] def add_output(self, variable):
Adds our *Variable* object defined *_parser.py* into the the
output list of the final ONNX model.
:param variable: The Variable object to be added
def add_options(self, model_id, options):
Adds an option, for example,
``add_options(id(clr), {'raw_scores': True})``
tells the converter associated to ``clr`` to
use raw score instead of probabilities.
:param model_id: class or ``id(instance)``
:param options: dictionary with the new values
if options is None:
if self.options is None:
self.options = {}
if model_id not in self.options:
self.options[model_id] = None
if self.options[model_id] is None:
self.options[model_id] = {}
[docs] def add_initializer(self, name, onnx_type, shape, content):
Adds a *TensorProto* into the initializer list of the final
ONNX model.
:param name: Variable name in the produced ONNX model.
:param onnx_type: Element types allowed in ONNX tensor, e.g.,
TensorProto.FLOAT and TensorProto.STRING.
:param shape: Tensor shape, a list of integers.
:param content: Flattened tensor values (i.e., a float list
or a float array).
:return: created tensor
logger.debug("[Init] %r, %r, %r", name, onnx_type, shape)
sparse_tensor = None
tensor = None
cached_value = None
if isinstance(content, TensorProto):
tensor = TensorProto()
tensor.data_type = content.data_type
tensor.name = name
tensor.raw_data = content.raw_data
elif shape is None and isinstance(
tensor = make_tensor(name, onnx_type, [], [content])
elif SparseTensorProto is not None and isinstance(content, SparseTensorProto):
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet.")
elif shape is None:
tensor = make_attribute(name, content)
elif isinstance(content, coo_matrix):
if SparseTensorProto is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Sparse matrices require SparseTensorProto. Update onnx."
values_tensor = make_tensor(
name + "_v",
indices = [
i * content.shape[1] + j for i, j in zip(content.row, content.col)
indices_tensor = make_tensor(
name=name + "_i",
dense_shape = list(content.shape)
sparse_tensor = make_sparse_tensor(
values_tensor, indices_tensor, dense_shape
# cached value: same without names
values_tensor = make_tensor(
"_v", data_type=onnx_type, dims=(len(content.data),), vals=content.data
indices_tensor = make_tensor(
cached_value = make_sparse_tensor(
values_tensor, indices_tensor, dense_shape
if any(d is None for d in shape):
raise ValueError("Shape of initializer cannot contain None.")
if hasattr(content, "dtype") and content.dtype in (bool, np.bool_):
content = content.astype(np.int32)
tensor = make_tensor(name, onnx_type, shape, content)
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(
"Unable to make a tensor name=%r "
"onnx_type=%r shape=%r content-type=%r."
% (name, onnx_type, shape, type(content))
) from e
if tensor is not None:
if cached_value is None:
name = tensor.name
tensor.name = "tensor"
content = tensor.SerializeToString()
tensor.name = name
content = cached_value.SerializeToString()
cached_name = self.initializers_strings.get(content, None)
if cached_name is None:
self.initializers_strings[content] = name
return tensor
name=name + "_op",
return name
if sparse_tensor is not None:
content = cached_value.SerializeToString()
cached_name = self.initializers_strings.get(content, None)
if cached_name is None:
self.initializers_strings[content] = name
name=name + "_op",
return sparse_tensor
name=name + "_op",
return name
raise RuntimeError("Either tensor or sparse_tensor should be defined.")
def add_value_info(self, variable):
def _check_operator(self, op_type):
Checks that if *op_type* is one of the operators defined in
:mod:`skl2onnx.common._apply_container`, then it was called
from a function defined in this submodule by looking
into the callstack. The test is enabled for *python >= 3.6*.
if op_type in _apply_operation_specific and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6):
tb = traceback.extract_stack()
operation = []
fct = _apply_operation_specific[op_type]
skl2 = False
for b in tb:
if "_apply_operation" in b.filename and b.name == fct.__name__:
if not skl2 and "skl2onnx" in b.filename:
skl2 = True
if skl2 and len(operation) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"Operator '{0}' should be added with function "
"'{1}' in submodule _apply_operation.".format(op_type, fct.__name__)
[docs] def add_node(
Adds a *NodeProto* into the node list of the final ONNX model.
If the input operator's domain-version information cannot be
found in our domain-version pool (a Python set), we may add it.
:param op_type: A string (e.g., Pool and Conv) indicating the
type of the NodeProto
:param inputs: A list of strings. They are the input variables'
names of the considered NodeProto
:param outputs: A list of strings. They are the output
variables' names of the considered NodeProto
:param op_domain: The domain name (e.g., ai.onnx.ml) of the
operator we are trying to add.
:param op_version: The version number (e.g., 0 and 1) of the
operator we are trying to add.
:param name: name of the node, this name cannot be empty
:param attrs: A Python dictionary. Keys and values are
attributes' names and attributes' values,
if "axes" in attrs and (
attrs["axes"] is None or not isinstance(attrs["axes"], (list, np.ndarray))
raise TypeError(
f"axes must be a list or an array not " f"{type(attrs['axes'])}."
if name is None or not isinstance(name, str) or name == "":
name = f"N{len(self.nodes)}"
existing_names = set(n.name for n in self.nodes)
if name in existing_names:
name += f"-N{len(self.nodes)}"
if op_domain is None:
op_domain = get_domain()
if op_version is None:
op_version = self._get_op_version(op_domain, op_type)
if isinstance(inputs, str):
inputs = [inputs]
if isinstance(outputs, str):
outputs = [outputs]
"[Node] %r - %r -> %r (name=%r)",
common = set(inputs) & set(outputs)
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(
"inputs or outputs are wrong, inputs=%r, outputs=%r, node=%r."
"" % (inputs, outputs, op_type)
) from e
if common:
raise RuntimeError(
"inputs and outputs cannot have "
"variables in common {} in node '{}' "
"with name '{}'.".format(common, op_type, name)
if not isinstance(inputs, list) or not all(isinstance(s, str) for s in inputs):
type_list = ",".join(list(str(type(s)) for s in inputs))
raise ValueError("Inputs must be a list of string but get [%s]" % type_list)
if not isinstance(outputs, list) or not all(
isinstance(s, str) for s in outputs
type_list = ",".join(list(str(type(s)) for s in outputs))
raise ValueError(
"Outputs must be a list of string but get [%s]" % type_list
upd = {}
dtypes = set()
for k, v in attrs.items():
if v is None:
raise ValueError(
"Failed to create ONNX node. Undefined "
"attribute pair (%s, %s) found for type %r and "
"version %r" % (k, v, op_type, op_version)
if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
upd[k] = v
if upd:
if "dtype" in attrs and op_type != "EyeLike":
raise RuntimeError("dtype should not be a parameter.")
new_attrs = {}
for k, v in attrs.items():
if hasattr(v, "shape") and len(v.shape) > 1:
# handle type numpy.matrix
new_attrs[k] = np.array(v).ravel()
new_attrs[k] = v
node = make_node(op_type, inputs, outputs, name=name, **new_attrs)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise ValueError(
f"Unable to create node {op_type!r} with name={name!r} and "
) from e
node.domain = op_domain
self.node_domain_version_pair_sets.add((op_domain, op_version))
if (
self.target_opset is not None
and op_version is not None
and op_version > self.target_opset_any_domain(op_domain)
raise RuntimeError(
"Opset number {} is higher than targeted opsets {} for "
"node type '{}' name='{}' input={} "
"output={} (domain='{}').".format(
def target_opset_any_domain(self, domain):
target_opset = self.target_opset_all
if isinstance(target_opset, dict):
if domain in target_opset:
to = target_opset[domain]
to = None
if to is None and domain == "":
to = onnx_opset_version()
if to is None:
smap = C.schema_version_map()
if domain in smap:
to = smap[domain][1]
if to is not None:
return to
# The domain is not registered in onnx, it is probably
# a custom domain. We assume the version is one.
return 1
return self.target_opset
def target_opset_onnx(self):
return self.target_opset_any_domain("")
def _get_op_version(self, domain, op_type):
Determines the highest version of operator
*op_type* below or equal to *target_opset*.
if not hasattr(self, "_op_versions"):
key = domain, op_type
vers = self._op_versions.get(key, None)
if vers is None:
if domain == "com.microsoft":
# avoid a not necessarily necessary warning
vers = 1
"Unable to find operator '{}' in domain '{}' in ONNX, "
"op_version is forced to 1.".format(op_type, domain)
vers = [1]
highest = self.target_opset_any_domain(domain)
pos = len(vers) - 1
while pos >= 0:
if vers[pos] <= highest:
return vers[pos]
pos -= 1
raise RuntimeError(
"Unable to find a suitable version for operator '{}' "
"in domain '{}'. Available versions: {}.".format(op_type, domain, vers)
def _build_op_version(self):
res = {}
for schema in get_all_schemas_with_history():
dom = schema.domain
name = schema.name
vers = schema.since_version
if (dom, name) not in res:
res[dom, name] = set()
res[dom, name].add(vers)
self._op_versions = {}
for k, v in res.items():
self._op_versions[k] = list(sorted(v))
def _get_allowed_options(self, model):
if self.registered_models is not None:
if inspect.isfunction(model):
if model not in self.registered_models["aliases"]:
return None
alias = self.registered_models["aliases"][model]
elif hasattr(model, "alias"):
alias = model.alias
if type(model) not in self.registered_models["aliases"]:
return {}
alias = self.registered_models["aliases"][type(model)]
conv = self.registered_models["conv"][alias]
allowed = conv.get_allowed_options()
if allowed is None:
return {}
return allowed
clname = str(model) if inspect.isfunction(model) else model.__class__.__name__
raise NotImplementedError(
"No registered models, no known allowed options "
"for model '{}'.".format(clname)
def validate_options(self, operator):
Validates every operator allows the options
given by the user at converter time
for an operator.
skl_op = operator.raw_operator
def get_options(self, model, default_values=None, fail=True):
Returns additional options for a model.
It first looks by class then by id (``id(model)``).
:param model: model being converted
:param default_values: default options (it is modified by
the function)
:param fail: fails if options not found
:return: dictionary
return _build_options(
def has_options(self, model, option_name):
Tells if a model allows one specific options.
:param model: model being converted
:return: boolean
opts = self._get_allowed_options(model)
return option_name in opts
def ensure_topological_order(self):
Ensures and modifies the order of nodes to have
a topological order (every node in the list
can only be an input for a node later in this list).
The function raises an exception if a cycle is detected.
order = {}
for inp in self.inputs:
name = inp.name
order[name] = 0
for inp in self.initializers:
name = inp.name
order[name] = 0
n_iter = 0
missing_ops = []
cont = True
while cont and n_iter < len(self.nodes) * 2:
n_iter += 1
missing_names = set()
missing_ops = []
cont = False
for node in self.nodes:
maxi = 0
for name in node.input:
if name in order:
maxi = max(maxi, order[name])
maxi = None
if maxi is None:
key = id(node)
if key in order:
cont = True
maxi += 1
order[key] = maxi
maxi += 1
for name in node.output:
if name in order:
raise RuntimeError(
"Unable to sort a node (cycle). An output was "
"already ordered with name %r (iteration=%r)."
"" % (name, n_iter)
order[name] = maxi
if len(missing_names) == 0:
if len(missing_ops) > 0:
def nstr(name):
if name in order:
return "%s#%d" % (name, order[name])
return name
rows = [
"%s(%s) -> [%s]"
% (
n.name or n.op_type,
", ".join(map(nstr, n.input)),
", ".join(n.output),
for n in missing_ops
rows.insert(0, "")
"%s|%s(%s) -> [%s]"
% (
n.name or n.op_type,
", ".join(map(nstr, n.input)),
", ".join(n.output),
for n in self.nodes
raise RuntimeError(
"After %d iterations for %d nodes, still unable "
"to sort names %r. The graph may be disconnected. "
"List of operators: %s"
% (n_iter, len(self.nodes), missing_names, "\n".join(rows))
# Update order
topo = sorted(
(order[id(node)], node.op_type, node.name, str(id(node)))
for node in self.nodes
map_nodes = {str(id(node)): node for node in self.nodes}
self.nodes = [map_nodes[_[-1]] for _ in topo]