Go to the end to download the full example code
Converter for WOEEncoder from categorical_encoder¶
WOEEncoder is a transformer implemented in categorical_encoder and as such, any converter would not be included in sklearn-onnx which only implements converters for scikit-learn models. Anyhow, this example demonstrates how to implement a custom converter for WOEEncoder. This code is not fully tested for all possible cases the original encoder can handle.
A simple example¶
Let’s take the Iris dataset. Every feature is converter into integer.
import numpy as np
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder as SklOrdinalEncoder
from category_encoders import WOEEncoder, OrdinalEncoder
from skl2onnx import update_registered_converter, to_onnx, get_model_alias
from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType
from skl2onnx.common.utils import check_input_and_output_numbers
from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import OnnxCast
from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_operator import OnnxSubEstimator
from skl2onnx.sklapi import WOETransformer
import skl2onnx.sklapi.register # noqa
data = load_iris()
X, y =,
X = X.astype(np.int64)[:, :2]
y = (y == 2).astype(np.int64)
woe = WOEEncoder(cols=[0]).fit(X, y)
0 1
0 -1.405712 3
1 -1.724166 3
2 -1.724166 3
3 -1.724166 3
4 -1.405712 3
Let’s look into the trained parameters of the model. It appears that WOEEncoder uses an OrdinalEncoder but not the one from scikit-learn. We need to add a converter for this model tool.
print("encoder", type(woe.ordinal_encoder), woe.ordinal_encoder)
print("mapping", woe.mapping)
print("encoder.mapping", woe.ordinal_encoder.mapping)
print("encoder.cols", woe.ordinal_encoder.cols)
encoder <class 'category_encoders.ordinal.OrdinalEncoder'> OrdinalEncoder(cols=[0],
mapping=[{'col': 0, 'data_type': dtype('int64'),
'mapping': 5.0 1
4.0 2
7.0 3
6.0 4
NaN -2
dtype: int64}])
mapping {0: 0
1 -1.405712
2 -1.724166
3 2.545531
4 0.961411
-1 0.000000
-2 0.000000
dtype: float64}
encoder.mapping [{'col': 0, 'mapping': 5.0 1
4.0 2
7.0 3
6.0 4
NaN -2
dtype: int64, 'data_type': dtype('int64')}]
encoder.cols [0]
Custom converter for OrdinalEncoder¶
We start from example Implement a new converter and then write the conversion.
def ordenc_to_sklearn(op_mapping):
"Converts OrdinalEncoder mapping to scikit-learn OrdinalEncoder."
cats = []
for column_map in op_mapping:
col = column_map["col"]
while len(cats) <= col:
mapping = column_map["mapping"]
res = []
for i in range(mapping.shape[0]):
if np.isnan(mapping.index[i]):
ind = mapping.iloc[i]
while len(res) <= ind:
res[ind] = mapping.index[i]
cats[col] = np.array(res, dtype=np.int64)
skl_ord = SklOrdinalEncoder(categories=cats, dtype=np.int64)
skl_ord.categories_ = cats
return skl_ord
def ordinal_encoder_shape_calculator(operator):
check_input_and_output_numbers(operator, input_count_range=1, output_count_range=1)
input_type = operator.inputs[0].type.__class__
input_dim = operator.inputs[0].get_first_dimension()
shape = operator.inputs[0].type.shape
second_dim = None if len(shape) != 2 else shape[1]
output_type = input_type([input_dim, second_dim])
operator.outputs[0].type = output_type
def ordinal_encoder_converter(scope, operator, container):
op = operator.raw_operator
opv = container.target_opset
X = operator.inputs[0]
skl_ord = ordenc_to_sklearn(op.mapping)
cat = OnnxSubEstimator(
skl_ord, X, op_version=opv, output_names=operator.outputs[:1]
cat.add_to(scope, container)
Let’s compute the output one a short example.
0 1
0 1 1
1 2 1
2 2 1
3 2 1
4 1 1
Let’s check the ONNX conversion produces the same results.
ord_onx = to_onnx(enc, X[:1], target_opset=14)
sess = InferenceSession(ord_onx.SerializeToString(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])
print(, {"X": X[:5]})[0])
[[1 1]
[2 1]
[2 1]
[2 1]
[1 1]]
That works.
Custom converter for WOEEncoder¶
We start from example Implement a new converter and then write the conversion.
def woeenc_to_sklearn(op_mapping):
"Converts WOEEncoder mapping to scikit-learn OrdinalEncoder."
cats = []
ws = []
for column_map in op_mapping.items():
col = column_map[0]
while len(cats) <= col:
mapping = column_map[1]
intervals = []
weights = []
for i in range(mapping.shape[0]):
ind = mapping.index[i]
if ind < 0:
intervals.append((float(ind - 1), float(ind), False, True))
cats[col] = intervals
ws[col] = weights
skl = WOETransformer(intervals=cats, weights=ws, onehot=False)
return skl
def woe_encoder_parser(scope, model, inputs, custom_parsers=None):
if len(inputs) != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected number of inputs: %d != 1." % len(inputs))
if inputs[0].type is None:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected type: %r." % (inputs[0],))
alias = get_model_alias(type(model))
this_operator = scope.declare_local_operator(alias, model)
scope.declare_local_variable("catwoe", FloatTensorType())
return this_operator.outputs
def woe_encoder_shape_calculator(operator):
check_input_and_output_numbers(operator, input_count_range=1, output_count_range=1)
input_dim = operator.inputs[0].get_first_dimension()
shape = operator.inputs[0].type.shape
second_dim = None if len(shape) != 2 else shape[1]
output_type = FloatTensorType([input_dim, second_dim])
operator.outputs[0].type = output_type
def woe_encoder_converter(scope, operator, container):
op = operator.raw_operator
opv = container.target_opset
X = operator.inputs[0]
sub = OnnxSubEstimator(op.ordinal_encoder, X, op_version=opv)
cast = OnnxCast(sub, op_version=opv, to=np.float32)
skl_ord = woeenc_to_sklearn(op.mapping)
cat = OnnxSubEstimator(
cat.add_to(scope, container)
Let’s compute the output one a short example.
0 1
0 -1.405712 -0.035947
1 -1.724166 -0.035947
2 -1.724166 -0.035947
3 -1.724166 -0.035947
4 -1.405712 -0.035947
Let’s check the ONNX conversion produces the same results.
woe_onx = to_onnx(woe, X[:1], target_opset=14)
sess = InferenceSession(woe_onx.SerializeToString(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])
print(, {"X": X[:5]})[0])
[[-1.4057125 -0.03594739]
[-1.7241662 -0.03594739]
[-1.7241662 -0.03594739]
[-1.7241662 -0.03594739]
[-1.4057125 -0.03594739]]
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.820 seconds)