Source code for onnx.reference.op_run

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, ClassVar

import numpy as np

from onnx import TensorProto
from onnx._custom_element_types import (
from onnx.defs import get_all_schemas_with_history, get_schema, onnx_opset_version
from onnx.helper import make_node, make_tensor_type_proto, np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype
from onnx.numpy_helper import to_array
from onnx.onnx_pb import AttributeProto, GraphProto, NodeProto, TypeProto

def _split_class_name(name):  # type: ignore
    if "_" in name:
        prefix, vers = name.rsplit("_", maxsplit=1)
            v = int(vers)
        except ValueError:
            return name, None
        return prefix, v
    return name, None

[docs] class RuntimeTypeError(RuntimeError): """Raised when a type of a variable is unexpected."""
class RuntimeContextError(RuntimeError): """Raised when the context is missing but an context dependent implementation is defined for an operator.""" class RuntimeImplementationError(NotImplementedError): """Raised when no implementation was found for an operator."""
[docs] class DefaultNone: """Default value for parameters when the parameter is not set but the operator has a default behavior for it."""
class RefAttrName: """Implements a link between a parameter of a function and an attribute in node. Args: name: name of the input """ def __init__(self, name: str): = name def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})" def _build_schemas() -> dict[str, type]: res: dict[str, type] = {} for schema in get_all_schemas_with_history(): # Multiple version can coexist. The last one is kept. if in res: if schema.domain != res[].domain: # type: ignore raise NotImplementedError( f"This function assumes every operator has a unique name {!r} " # type: ignore f"even accross multiple domains {schema.domain!r} and {res[].domain!r}." # type: ignore ) if schema.since_version > res[].since_version: # type: ignore # We keep the most recent one. res[] = schema # type: ignore else: res[] = schema # type: ignore res[ + "_" + str(schema.since_version)] = schema # type: ignore return res _schemas = _build_schemas() class OnnxType: def __init__(self, type_proto: TypeProto): if not isinstance(type_proto, TypeProto): raise TypeError(f"type_proto {type(type_proto)} must be of type TypeProto.") self.type_proto = type_proto def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"OnnxType({self.type_proto!r})"
[docs] class SparseTensor: """Simple representation of a sparse tensor. It is based on numpy but does not require scipy. """ def __init__( self, values: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, shape: tuple[int] ) -> None: self.values = values self.indices = indices self.shape = shape @property def dtype(self) -> Any: return self.values.dtype
def to_sparse_tensor(att: AttributeProto) -> SparseTensor: """Hosts a sparse tensor.""" shape = tuple(d for d in att.dims) # type: ignore[attr-defined] return SparseTensor(to_array(att.values), to_array(att.indices), shape) # type: ignore def to_array_extended(tensor: TensorProto) -> np.ndarray: """Alias for :func:`to_array`.""" return to_array(tensor) class Graph: __slots__ = ("g",) def __init__(self, g: GraphProto) -> None: self.g = g
[docs] class OpRun(abc.ABC): """Ancestor to all operators in this subfolder. Args: onnx_node: `onnx` node run_params: additional parameters such as `verbose`, `opsets` (it can be more than one if the operator has a subgraph), `log` for a logging function schema: operator schema """ op_domain = "" _attribute_conversion_functions: ClassVar[dict[Any, Any]] = { AttributeProto.FLOAT: lambda att: np.float32(att.f), AttributeProto.FLOATS: lambda att: [np.float32(f) for f in att.floats], AttributeProto.GRAPH: lambda att: Graph(att.g), AttributeProto.GRAPHS: lambda att: [Graph(g) for g in att.graphs], AttributeProto.INT: lambda att: int(att.i), AttributeProto.INTS: lambda att: [int(i) for i in att.ints], AttributeProto.SPARSE_TENSOR: lambda att: to_sparse_tensor(att.sparse_tensor), AttributeProto.SPARSE_TENSORS: lambda att: [ to_sparse_tensor(t) for t in att.sparse_tensors ], AttributeProto.STRING: lambda att: att.s.decode("utf-8"), AttributeProto.STRINGS: lambda att: [s.decode("utf-8") for s in att.strings], AttributeProto.TENSOR: lambda att: to_array_extended(att.t), AttributeProto.TENSORS: lambda att: [to_array_extended(t) for t in att.tensors], AttributeProto.TYPE_PROTO: lambda att: OnnxType(, AttributeProto.TYPE_PROTOS: lambda att: [OnnxType(t) for t in att.type_protos], } def __init__( self, onnx_node: NodeProto, run_params: dict[str, Any], schema: Any = None ): if not isinstance(run_params, dict): raise TypeError(f"run_params must be a dictionary not {type(run_params)}.") for att in ["opsets", "new_ops"]: if att not in run_params: raise RuntimeError( f"Attribute {att!r} must be in run_params, only " f"{sorted(run_params)} was found." ) if "log" not in run_params: raise KeyError("run_params must contains key 'log'.") self.onnx_node = onnx_node self.run_params = run_params if schema is None: if hasattr(self.__class__, "op_schema"): self._schema = self.__class__.op_schema elif self.__class__.__name__ in _schemas: self._schema = _schemas[self.__class__.__name__] elif onnx_node.op_type in _schemas: self._schema = _schemas[onnx_node.op_type] else: self._schema = None # type: ignore else: self._schema = schema self.has_subgraph = False self._load_attributes() def _log(self, pattern, *args): # type: ignore self.run_params["log"](pattern, *args) def _extract_attribute_value( self, att: AttributeProto, ref_att: AttributeProto | None = None ) -> Any: """Converts an attribute value into a python value.""" if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH: new_ops = self.run_params.get("new_ops", None) if "existing_functions" in self.run_params: functions = list(self.run_params["existing_functions"].values()) else: functions = None evaluator_cls = self.run_params.get("evaluator_cls", None) assert evaluator_cls is not None, ( f"evaluator_cls must be specified to evaluate att={att}" ) return evaluator_cls( att.g, opsets=self.run_params["opsets"], verbose=max(0, self.run_params.get("verbose", 0) - 2), new_ops=None if new_ops is None else list(new_ops.values()), functions=functions, ) if att.type in OpRun._attribute_conversion_functions: return OpRun._attribute_conversion_functions[att.type](att) # type: ignore if ref_att is None: raise AttributeError( f"Unable to convert attribute {!r} type {att.type!r} " f"from node type {self.onnx_node.op_type!r}, " f"domain {self.onnx_node.domain!r}\n{att}." ) raise AttributeError( f"Unable to convert default value for {!r} type {att.type!r} " f"from node type {self.onnx_node.op_type!r}, " f"domain {self.onnx_node.domain!r}\n{att}\n{ref_att}." ) @staticmethod def _evaluate_subgraph(context, value, attributes): return, context or {}, attributes=attributes) def _load_attributes(self) -> None: """Checks and loads attributes.""" self.has_linked_attribute = False added_attributes = [] for att in self.onnx_node.attribute: name = if att.ref_attr_name: value = RefAttrName(att.ref_attr_name) self.has_linked_attribute = True else: value = self._extract_attribute_value(att) setattr(self, name, value) added_attributes.append(name) if att.type == AttributeProto.GRAPH: self.has_subgraph = True self.has_linked_attribute |= value.has_linked_attribute # type: ignore setattr( self, f"_run_{}", lambda context, value=value, attributes=None: OpRun._evaluate_subgraph( context, value, attributes ), ) if self._schema and self.onnx_node.op_type not in {"Constant"}: for k, v in self._schema.attributes.items(): # type: ignore if not hasattr(self, k): if getattr(v, "required", True): raise RuntimeError( f"Attribute {k!r} is expected based on ONNX specifications " f"for node {self.onnx_node.op_type!r}." ) if hasattr(v, "default_value"): if v.default_value.type == 0 or ( v.default_value.type == 4 # noqa: PLR2004 and v.default_value.t.data_type == 0 ): # default value is undefined, it depends on the inputs value = None # type: ignore else: value = self._extract_attribute_value(v.default_value, v) setattr(self, k, value) added_attributes.append(k) self.attributes_names_ = set(added_attributes)
[docs] @staticmethod def implicit_inputs(graph: GraphProto) -> list[str]: """Returns all varibles not registered as inputs and not produced by an node inside the graph. This inputs are part of the context existing in the graph calling this one. """ if not isinstance(graph, GraphProto): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(graph)!r}.") local = set() known = set() for init in graph.initializer: known.add( for sparse_init in graph.sparse_initializer: known.add( # type: ignore for inp in graph.input: known.add( for node in graph.node: for o in node.output: known.add(o) for i in node.input: if i not in known: local.add(i) return list(local)
@property def input(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns node attribute `input`.""" return self.onnx_node.input # type: ignore @property def output(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns node attribute `output`.""" return self.onnx_node.output # type: ignore @property def op_type(self) -> str: """Returns node attribute `op_type`.""" return self.onnx_node.op_type # type: ignore @property def domain(self) -> str: """Returns node attribute `domain`.""" return self.onnx_node.domain # type: ignore
[docs] def need_context(self) -> bool: """Tells the runtime if this node needs the context (all the results produced so far) as it may silently access one of them (operator Scan, If, Loop). The default answer is `False`. """ return False
def __str__(self) -> str: atts = [self.__class__.__name__ + "(", f" op_type={self.onnx_node.op_type}"] for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): if k in {"desc", "onnx_node"}: continue if "a" <= k[0] <= "z" and k[-1] != "_": atts.append(f" {k}={v},") atts.append(")") return "\n".join(atts) @abc.abstractmethod def _run(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore """Should be overwritten. Args: *args: operator inputs **kwargs: optional inputs and overriden attributes, an attribute may be overridden if it belongs to a function, in this case, the same instance of OpRun can be called with different values of the same attribute. Returns: outputs """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Method '_run' must be overwritten for operator {self.__class__.__name__!r}." ) def _check_and_fix_outputs(self, res: tuple[Any, ...]) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """Checks the output are from the expected type.""" if not isinstance(res, tuple): raise TypeError( f"Method '_run' of class {self.__class__.__name__!r} does not return a tuple but '{type(res)}'." ) if not res: raise ValueError( f"Method '_run' of class {self.__class__.__name__!r} does not return any result." ) if any(isinstance(t, tuple) for t in res): dtypes = [type(t) for t in res] raise TypeError( f"One of the results returned by method '_run' of class {self.__class__.__name__!r} " f"is a tuple, this is no ONNX corresponding type (Map, List, Tensor, SparseTensor). " f"All returned types: {dtypes!r}." ) res = tuple( # type: ignore[assignment] (np.array(x) if np.isscalar(x) else x) for x in res ) if any( not (isinstance(t, (np.ndarray, list, dict)) or hasattr(t, "todense")) for t in res ): dtypes = [type(t) for t in res] raise TypeError( f"One of the results returned by method '_run' of class {self.__class__.__name__!r} " f"has an unexpected type, this is no ONNX correponding type (Map, List, Tensor, SparseTensor). " f"All returned types: {dtypes!r}." ) return res
[docs] def run(self, *args, linked_attributes=None, context=None): # type: ignore """Calls method ``_run``, catches exceptions, displays a longer error message. Args: *args: inputs linked_attributes: used if this has an attriute linked to the attribute of the function it belongs to context: if this node is part of the subgraph, `context` is a dictionary with the values this node may use Returns: tuple of results """ if self.need_context(): if context is None: raise RuntimeError( f"This node if type {type(self)} needs context to be filled." ) elif context is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"This node if type {type(self)} does not need any contextbut one is given." ) if self.has_linked_attribute and linked_attributes is None: raise ValueError( f"This node {type(self)} has linked attributes but None are given in parameter 'linked_attributes'." ) if not self.has_linked_attribute and linked_attributes is not None: raise ValueError( f"This node {type(self)} has no linked attribute but some are given in parameter " f"'linked_attributes' {set(linked_attributes)}." ) overridden_attributes = {} if self.has_linked_attribute: if linked_attributes is None: raise AttributeError( f"One attribute is linked but no linked value is provided, " f"in class {type(self)}." ) for att in self.attributes_names_: v = getattr(self, att) if isinstance(v, RefAttrName): if not in linked_attributes: raise ValueError( f"Unable to find a value for linked attribute {att!r} in {linked_attributes!r} " f"in node {type(self)}." ) overridden_attributes[att] = linked_attributes[] self._log("-- begin inputs)", self.__class__.__name__, len(args)) kwargs = {} for att in self.attributes_names_: if att in overridden_attributes: continue if not hasattr(self, att): raise NameError( f"Attribute {att!r} is missing in operator {self.__class__.__name__!r}." ) kwargs[att] = getattr(self, att) if self.has_subgraph: if self.has_linked_attribute and not linked_attributes: raise RuntimeError( f"A subgraph has linked attribute but none was given to {type(self)}." ) kwargs["attributes"] = linked_attributes if context is not None: kwargs["context"] = context try: if overridden_attributes: res = self._run(*args, **overridden_attributes, **kwargs) else: res = self._run(*args, **kwargs) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e: raise TypeError( f"Issues with types {[type(_) for _ in args]} and attributes " f"{sorted(kwargs)} and linked attributes={sorted(overridden_attributes)} " f"(operator {self.__class__.__name__!r})." ) from e self._log( "-- done -> %d outputs", self.__class__.__name__, len(res) if res is not None else 0, ) return self._check_and_fix_outputs(res)
@classmethod def infer_name(cls): name = cls.__name__ if "_" not in name: return name, onnx_opset_version() name, vers = name.rsplit("_", 1) try: i_vers = int(vers) except ValueError: return cls.__name__, onnx_opset_version() return name, i_vers
[docs] @classmethod def make_node( cls, n_inputs: int | None = None, n_outputs: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> NodeProto: # type: ignore """Creates an ONNX node for this class based on the given information. Args: n_inputs: number of inputs (default is defined by the operator schema) n_outputs: number of outputs (default is defined by the operator schema) verbose: verbosity **kwargs: node attributes Returns: NodeProto Method :meth:`eval <onnx.reference.op_run.OpRun.eval>` creates an onnx node returned by method :meth:`make_node <onnx.reference.op_run.OpRun.make_node>`. .. exec_code:: import numpy as np from onnx.reference.ops._op_list import Celu onnx_node = Celu.make_node(alpha=0.5) print(onnx_node) """ op_type, opset = cls.infer_name() domain = cls.op_domain schema = None if n_inputs is None: if schema is None: schema = get_schema(op_type, opset, domain) n_inputs = schema.min_input if n_outputs is None: if schema is None: schema = get_schema(op_type, opset, domain) n_outputs = schema.min_output names_in = [f"x{i}" for i in range(n_inputs)] names_out = [f"y{i}" for i in range(n_outputs)] node = make_node(op_type, names_in, names_out, **kwargs) return node
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, n_inputs: int | None = None, n_outputs: int | None = None, verbose: int = 0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Instantiates this class based on the given information. Args: n_inputs: number of inputs (default is defined by the operator schema) n_outputs: number of outputs (default is defined by the operator schema) verbose: verbosity **kwargs: node attributes Returns: NodeProto """ def log_function(pattern: str, *args: Any) -> None: if verbose > 1: print(pattern % tuple(args)) node = cls.make_node(n_inputs, n_outputs, **kwargs) run_params = { "verbose": verbose, "log": log_function, "new_ops": None, "opsets": {"": onnx_opset_version()}, } cl = cls(node, run_params) return cl
[docs] @classmethod def eval( cls, *args: list[Any], n_outputs: int | None = None, verbose: int = 0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: # type: ignore """Evaluates this operator. Args: *args: inputs n_outputs: number of outputs (default is defined by the operator schema) verbose: verbosity **kwargs: node attributes Returns: NodeProto """ inst = cls.create(len(args), n_outputs=n_outputs, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) res =*args) if len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res
class OpRunExpand(OpRun): """Class any operator to avoid must inherit from.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: ARG002 raise RuntimeError( f"The reference implementation must not use this node ({type(self)})." ) def _run(self, *inputs, **kwargs): # noqa: ARG002 raise RuntimeError( f"The reference implementation must not use this node ({type(self)})." )
[docs] class OpFunction(OpRun): """Runs a custom function.""" def __init__( self, onnx_node: NodeProto, run_params: dict[str, Any] | None, impl: Any = None, attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: if impl is None: raise RuntimeError( f"impl cannot be None for node type {onnx_node.op_type!r} " f"from domain {onnx_node.domain!r}." ) OpRun.__init__(self, onnx_node, run_params) # type: ignore[arg-type] self.impl_ = impl # The function implementation is the same whenever the function is called # but the attributes may be different at every call. self.attributes_ = { name: getattr(self, name) for name in getattr(self.impl_, "attributes_", attributes) # type: ignore[union-attr] } def _run(self, *inputs, **kwargs): # type: ignore return self._run_impl(self.impl_, *inputs, **kwargs) def _run_impl(self, impl, *inputs, **kwargs): # type: ignore if len(impl.input_names) != len(inputs): raise RuntimeError( f"Mismatch lengths between the number of inputs {len(inputs)} " f"and the expected number of inputs {len(impl.inputs)} " f"for node {self.op_type!r} from domain {self.domain!r}." ) feeds = dict(zip(impl.input_names, inputs)) attributes = self.attributes_.copy() attributes.update(kwargs) results =, feeds, attributes=attributes) if len(impl.output_names) != len(results): raise RuntimeError( f"Mismatch lengths between the number of outputs {len(results)} " f"and the expected number of outputs {len(impl.output_names)} " f"for node {self.op_type!r} from domain {self.domain!r}." ) return tuple(results)
class OpFunctionContextDependant(OpFunction): """The function can be instantiated but only at execution time. An instance of OpFunction is created everytime to node is executed. This is needed when the schema of an operator defines a context dependant function. """ def __init__( self, onnx_node: NodeProto, run_params: dict[str, Any] | None, parent: Any = None, ): OpFunction.__init__(self, onnx_node, run_params, impl=self, attributes={}) self.parent = parent version = parent.opsets[onnx_node.domain] self.schema_ = get_schema(onnx_node.op_type, version, onnx_node.domain) def _run(self, *inputs, **kwargs): # Input types are known. They are used to properly # created the body for this operator. types = [] for t in inputs: try: ttype = np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(t.dtype) except KeyError: if t.dtype == float8e4m3fn: ttype = TensorProto.FLOAT8E4M3FN # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == float8e4m3fnuz: ttype = TensorProto.FLOAT8E4M3FNUZ # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == float8e5m2: ttype = TensorProto.FLOAT8E5M2 # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == float8e5m2fnuz: ttype = TensorProto.FLOAT8E5M2FNUZ # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == bfloat16: ttype = TensorProto.BLOFAT16 # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == uint4: ttype = TensorProto.UINT4 # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == int4: ttype = TensorProto.INT4 # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif t.dtype == float4e2m1: ttype = TensorProto.FLOAT4E2M1 # type: ignore[attr-defined] else: raise types.append(make_tensor_type_proto(ttype, t.shape)) cl = self.parent._load_impl(self.onnx_node, types) inst = cl(self.onnx_node, self.run_params) return self._run_impl(inst.impl_, *inputs, **kwargs)