
SpaceToDepth - 13


  • name: SpaceToDepth (GitHub)

  • domain: main

  • since_version: 13

  • function: False

  • support_level: SupportType.COMMON

  • shape inference: True

This version of the operator has been available since version 13.


SpaceToDepth rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth. More specifically, this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the depth dimension.


  • blocksize - INT (required) :

    Blocks of [blocksize, blocksize] are moved.


  • input (heterogeneous) - T:

    Input tensor of [N,C,H,W], where N is the batch axis, C is the channel or depth, H is the height and W is the width.


  • output (heterogeneous) - T:

    Output tensor of [N, C * blocksize * blocksize, H/blocksize, W/blocksize].

Type Constraints

  • T in ( tensor(bfloat16), tensor(bool), tensor(complex128), tensor(complex64), tensor(double), tensor(float), tensor(float16), tensor(int16), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(int8), tensor(string), tensor(uint16), tensor(uint32), tensor(uint64), tensor(uint8) ):

    Constrain input and output types to all tensor types.

SpaceToDepth - 1


  • name: SpaceToDepth (GitHub)

  • domain: main

  • since_version: 1

  • function: False

  • support_level: SupportType.COMMON

  • shape inference: True

This version of the operator has been available since version 1.


SpaceToDepth rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth. More specifically, this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the depth dimension.


  • blocksize - INT (required) :

    Blocks of [blocksize, blocksize] are moved.


  • input (heterogeneous) - T:

    Input tensor of [N,C,H,W], where N is the batch axis, C is the channel or depth, H is the height and W is the width.


  • output (heterogeneous) - T:

    Output tensor of [N, C * blocksize * blocksize, H/blocksize, W/blocksize].

Type Constraints

  • T in ( tensor(bool), tensor(complex128), tensor(complex64), tensor(double), tensor(float), tensor(float16), tensor(int16), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(int8), tensor(string), tensor(uint16), tensor(uint32), tensor(uint64), tensor(uint8) ):

    Constrain input and output types to all tensor types.