Source code for onnx.hub

# Copyright (c) ONNX Project Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""ONNX Model Hub

This implements the python client for the ONNX model hub.
from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import json
import os
import sys
from io import BytesIO
from os.path import join
from typing import IO, Any, Dict, List, cast
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen

import onnx

if "ONNX_HOME" in os.environ:
    _ONNX_HUB_DIR = join(os.environ["ONNX_HOME"], "hub")
elif "XDG_CACHE_HOME" in os.environ:
    _ONNX_HUB_DIR = join(os.environ["XDG_CACHE_HOME"], "onnx", "hub")
    _ONNX_HUB_DIR = join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "onnx", "hub")

[docs] class ModelInfo: """A class to represent a model's property and metadata in the ONNX Hub. It extracts model name, path, sha, tags, etc. from the passed in raw_model_info dict. Attributes: model: The name of the model. model_path: The path to the model, relative to the model zoo ( repo root. metadata: Additional metadata of the model, such as the size of the model, IO ports, etc. model_sha: The SHA256 digest of the model file. tags: A set of tags associated with the model. opset: The opset version of the model. """ def __init__(self, raw_model_info: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Initializer. Args: raw_model_info: A JSON dict containing the model info. """ self.model = cast(str, raw_model_info["model"]) self.model_path = cast(str, raw_model_info["model_path"]) self.metadata: dict[str, Any] = cast(Dict[str, Any], raw_model_info["metadata"]) self.model_sha: str | None = None if "model_sha" in self.metadata: self.model_sha = cast(str, self.metadata["model_sha"]) self.tags: set[str] = set() if "tags" in self.metadata: self.tags = set(cast(List[str], self.metadata["tags"])) self.opset = cast(int, raw_model_info["opset_version"]) self.raw_model_info: dict[str, Any] = raw_model_info def __str__(self) -> str: return f"ModelInfo(model={self.model}, opset={self.opset}, path={self.model_path}, metadata={self.metadata})" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs] def set_dir(new_dir: str) -> None: """Sets the current ONNX hub cache location. Args: new_dir: Location of new model hub cache. """ global _ONNX_HUB_DIR # noqa: PLW0603 _ONNX_HUB_DIR = new_dir
[docs] def get_dir() -> str: """Gets the current ONNX hub cache location. Returns: The location of the ONNX hub model cache. """ return _ONNX_HUB_DIR
def _parse_repo_info(repo: str) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """Gets the repo owner, name and ref from a repo specification string.""" repo_owner = repo.split(":")[0].split("/")[0] repo_name = repo.split(":")[0].split("/")[1] if ":" in repo: repo_ref = repo.split(":")[1] else: repo_ref = "main" return repo_owner, repo_name, repo_ref def _verify_repo_ref(repo: str) -> bool: """Verifies whether the given model repo can be trusted. A model repo can be trusted if it matches onnx/models:main. """ repo_owner, repo_name, repo_ref = _parse_repo_info(repo) return (repo_owner == "onnx") and (repo_name == "models") and (repo_ref == "main") def _get_base_url(repo: str, lfs: bool = False) -> str: """Gets the base github url from a repo specification string. Args: repo: The location of the model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main". lfs: Whether the url is for downloading lfs models. Returns: The base github url for downloading. """ repo_owner, repo_name, repo_ref = _parse_repo_info(repo) if lfs: return f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/{repo_ref}/" return f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/{repo_ref}/" def _download_file(url: str, file_name: str) -> None: """Downloads the file with specified file_name from the url. Args: url: A url of download link. file_name: A specified file name for the downloaded file. """ chunk_size = 16384 # 1024 * 16 with urlopen(url) as response, open(file_name, "wb") as f: # Loads processively with chuck_size for huge models while True: chunk = if not chunk: break f.write(chunk)
[docs] def list_models( repo: str = "onnx/models:main", model: str | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, ) -> list[ModelInfo]: """Gets the list of model info consistent with a given name and tags Args: repo: The location of the model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main" model: The name of the model to search for. If `None`, will return all models with matching tags. tags: A list of tags to filter models by. If `None`, will return all models with matching name. Returns: ``ModelInfo``s. """ base_url = _get_base_url(repo) manifest_url = base_url + "ONNX_HUB_MANIFEST.json" try: with urlopen(manifest_url) as response: manifest: list[ModelInfo] = [ ModelInfo(info) for info in json.load(cast(IO[str], response)) ] except HTTPError as e: raise AssertionError(f"Could not find manifest at {manifest_url}") from e # Filter by model name first. matching_models = ( manifest if model is None else [m for m in manifest if m.model.lower() == model.lower()] ) # Filter by tags if tags is None: return matching_models canonical_tags = {t.lower() for t in tags} matching_info_list: list[ModelInfo] = [] for m in matching_models: model_tags = {t.lower() for t in m.tags} if len(canonical_tags.intersection(model_tags)) > 0: matching_info_list.append(m) return matching_info_list
[docs] def get_model_info( model: str, repo: str = "onnx/models:main", opset: int | None = None ) -> ModelInfo: """Gets the model info matching the given name and opset. Args: model: The name of the onnx model in the manifest. This field is case-sensitive repo: The location of the model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main" opset: The opset of the model to get. The default of `None` will return the model with largest opset. Returns: ``ModelInfo``. """ matching_models = list_models(repo, model) if not matching_models: raise AssertionError(f"No models found with name {model}") if opset is None: selected_models = sorted(matching_models, key=lambda m: -m.opset) else: selected_models = [m for m in matching_models if m.opset == opset] if not selected_models: valid_opsets = [m.opset for m in matching_models] raise AssertionError( f"{model} has no version with opset {opset}. Valid opsets: {valid_opsets}" ) return selected_models[0]
[docs] def load( model: str, repo: str = "onnx/models:main", opset: int | None = None, force_reload: bool = False, silent: bool = False, ) -> onnx.ModelProto | None: """Downloads a model by name from the onnx model hub. Args: model: The name of the onnx model in the manifest. This field is case-sensitive repo: The location of the model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main" opset: The opset of the model to download. The default of `None` automatically chooses the largest opset force_reload: Whether to force the model to re-download even if its already found in the cache silent: Whether to suppress the warning message if the repo is not trusted. Returns: ModelProto or None """ selected_model = get_model_info(model, repo, opset) local_model_path_arr = selected_model.model_path.split("/") if selected_model.model_sha is not None: local_model_path_arr[-1] = ( f"{selected_model.model_sha}_{local_model_path_arr[-1]}" ) local_model_path = join(_ONNX_HUB_DIR, os.sep.join(local_model_path_arr)) if force_reload or not os.path.exists(local_model_path): if not _verify_repo_ref(repo) and not silent: msg = f"The model repo specification {repo} is not trusted and may contain security vulnerabilities. Only continue if you trust this repo." print(msg, file=sys.stderr) print("Continue?[y/n]") if input().lower() != "y": return None os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_model_path), exist_ok=True) lfs_url = _get_base_url(repo, True) print(f"Downloading {model} to local path {local_model_path}") _download_file(lfs_url + selected_model.model_path, local_model_path) else: print(f"Using cached {model} model from {local_model_path}") with open(local_model_path, "rb") as f: model_bytes = if selected_model.model_sha is not None: downloaded_sha = hashlib.sha256(model_bytes).hexdigest() if not downloaded_sha == selected_model.model_sha: raise AssertionError( f"The cached model {selected_model.model} has SHA256 {downloaded_sha} " f"while checksum should be {selected_model.model_sha}. " "The model in the hub may have been updated. Use force_reload to " "download the model from the model hub." ) return onnx.load(cast(IO[bytes], BytesIO(model_bytes)))
[docs] def download_model_with_test_data( model: str, repo: str = "onnx/models:main", opset: int | None = None, force_reload: bool = False, silent: bool = False, ) -> str | None: """Downloads a model along with test data by name from the onnx model hub and returns the directory to which the files have been extracted. Users are responsible for making sure the model comes from a trusted source, and the data is safe to be extracted. Args: model: The name of the onnx model in the manifest. This field is case-sensitive repo: The location of the model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main" opset: The opset of the model to download. The default of `None` automatically chooses the largest opset force_reload: Whether to force the model to re-download even if its already found in the cache silent: Whether to suppress the warning message if the repo is not trusted. Returns: str or None """ selected_model = get_model_info(model, repo, opset) local_model_with_data_path_arr = selected_model.metadata[ "model_with_data_path" ].split("/") model_with_data_sha = selected_model.metadata["model_with_data_sha"] if model_with_data_sha is not None: local_model_with_data_path_arr[-1] = ( f"{model_with_data_sha}_{local_model_with_data_path_arr[-1]}" ) local_model_with_data_path = join( _ONNX_HUB_DIR, os.sep.join(local_model_with_data_path_arr) ) if force_reload or not os.path.exists(local_model_with_data_path): if not _verify_repo_ref(repo) and not silent: msg = f"The model repo specification {repo} is not trusted and may contain security vulnerabilities. Only continue if you trust this repo." print(msg, file=sys.stderr) print("Continue?[y/n]") if input().lower() != "y": return None os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_model_with_data_path), exist_ok=True) lfs_url = _get_base_url(repo, True) print(f"Downloading {model} to local path {local_model_with_data_path}") _download_file( lfs_url + selected_model.metadata["model_with_data_path"], local_model_with_data_path, ) else: print(f"Using cached {model} model from {local_model_with_data_path}") with open(local_model_with_data_path, "rb") as f: model_with_data_bytes = if model_with_data_sha is not None: downloaded_sha = hashlib.sha256(model_with_data_bytes).hexdigest() if not downloaded_sha == model_with_data_sha: raise AssertionError( f"The cached model {selected_model.model} has SHA256 {downloaded_sha} " f"while checksum should be {model_with_data_sha}. " "The model in the hub may have been updated. Use force_reload to " "download the model from the model hub." ) # FIXME: Avoid index manipulation with magic numbers, # remove ".tar.gz" local_model_with_data_dir_path = local_model_with_data_path[ 0 : len(local_model_with_data_path) - 7 ] onnx.utils._extract_model_safe( local_model_with_data_path, local_model_with_data_dir_path ) model_with_data_path = ( local_model_with_data_dir_path + "/" + os.listdir(local_model_with_data_dir_path)[0] ) return model_with_data_path
[docs] def load_composite_model( network_model: str, preprocessing_model: str, network_repo: str = "onnx/models:main", preprocessing_repo: str = "onnx/models:main", opset: int | None = None, force_reload: bool = False, silent: bool = False, ) -> onnx.ModelProto | None: """Builds a composite model including data preprocessing by downloading a network and a preprocessing model and combine it into a single model Args: network_model: The name of the onnx model in the manifest. preprocessing_model: The name of the preprocessing model. network_repo: The location of the model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main" preprocessing_repo: The location of the proprocessing model repo in format "user/repo[:branch]". If no branch is found will default to "main" opset: The opset of the model to download. The default of `None` automatically chooses the largest opset force_reload: Whether to force the model to re-download even if its already found in the cache silent: Whether to suppress the warning message if the repo is not trusted. Returns: ModelProto or None """ preprocessing = load( preprocessing_model, preprocessing_repo, opset, force_reload, silent ) if preprocessing is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not load the preprocessing model: {preprocessing_model}" ) network = load(network_model, network_repo, opset, force_reload, silent) if network is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not load the network model: {network_model}") all_domains: set[str] = set() domains_to_version_network: dict[str, int] = {} domains_to_version_preprocessing: dict[str, int] = {} for opset_import_entry in network.opset_import: domain = ( "ai.onnx" if opset_import_entry.domain == "" else opset_import_entry.domain ) all_domains.add(domain) domains_to_version_network[domain] = opset_import_entry.version for opset_import_entry in preprocessing.opset_import: domain = ( "ai.onnx" if opset_import_entry.domain == "" else opset_import_entry.domain ) all_domains.add(domain) domains_to_version_preprocessing[domain] = opset_import_entry.version preprocessing_opset_version = -1 network_opset_version = -1 for domain in all_domains: if domain == "ai.onnx": preprocessing_opset_version = domains_to_version_preprocessing[domain] network_opset_version = domains_to_version_network[domain] elif ( domain in domains_to_version_preprocessing and domain in domains_to_version_network and domains_to_version_preprocessing[domain] != domains_to_version_preprocessing[domain] ): raise ValueError( f"Can not merge {preprocessing_model} and {network_model} because they contain " f"different opset versions for domain {domain} ({domains_to_version_preprocessing[domain]}) " f"and {domains_to_version_network[domain]}). Only the default domain can be " "automatically converted to the highest version of the two." ) if preprocessing_opset_version > network_opset_version: network = onnx.version_converter.convert_version( network, preprocessing_opset_version ) network.ir_version = preprocessing.ir_version onnx.checker.check_model(network) elif network_opset_version > preprocessing_opset_version: preprocessing = onnx.version_converter.convert_version( preprocessing, network_opset_version ) preprocessing.ir_version = network.ir_version onnx.checker.check_model(preprocessing) io_map = [ (, for out_entry, in_entry in zip(preprocessing.graph.output, network.graph.input) ] model_with_preprocessing = onnx.compose.merge_models( preprocessing, network, io_map=io_map ) return model_with_preprocessing